gunon kee shrunkhala example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण
Transliterated examples :
1. A detail of a relief taken from the tomb of King of Thebes who ruled between 3762 and 3703 BC shows a kneeling man holding in his hands a tool string and handle 2. Alongside his symphonic activity, Haydn composed a great work of chamber music: piano sonatas, trios, works with baritone, especially string quartets 3. HARP HARP Plucked string instrument, of decreasing length, stretched between an arm (console) and a resonator (soundboard) in the shape of a truncated cone and almost perpendicular to the strings of the plan 4. harpa ° 1 Plucked string instrument, consisting of a frame (usually triangular) and unequal length strings (the sixteenth, harp also designates associated instruments ? lute, lyre) 5. His wife Sarasvat ?, goddess of the Word and Music; she wears the rosary, the book, Nelumbium and a string instrument called v ? ?

Given are the examples of hindi word gunon kee shrunkhala usage in english sentences. The examples of gunon kee shrunkhala are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., string.

Why, then, do we continue to associate history with a string of dates? This association has a reason.

For Richard Ebright, it was the first in a long string of achievements in science and other fields.
The name of the column should be a string of contiguous characters.
It is used for a string of characters: words or numbers that are not to be used in any arithmetic calculations.
Setting it to Yes/No determines whether a text string with zero length is a valid entry or not.
This field is meant to store the string of characters to express the category of account such as Expenses, Revenues, Assets and Liabilities.
Its data type is declared as Text because it is a string of characters not required for any calculations.
This column refers to the first name of employee and its data type is declared as Text because it is meant to store string of alphabets.
The brilliance and skill of players like the great Dhyan Chand brought India a string of Olympic gold medals.
He would take them out for grazing during the day and talk to them as one talks to one's own children; at night he would bring them back to his little hut and put a string round the neck of each goat.
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